
June 6, 1944 

Normandy, France 

One of the largest amphibious military assaults in history comprised of American, Canadian, and British forces along 50 miles of french coast line. Code-named operation overlord and taking place in the Normandy region it is regarded as the first successful attempt at getting a foothold into Europe. The stretch of beach was fortified against invasion by General Rommel of the German army. The coast line was staged into five groups and split up between the Allies for the attack. The five groups where code-names Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. The Americans took Utah and Omaha beach. The British has gold and sword and the Canadians had Juno beach. Months of planning went into the preparations before the attack kicked off. The Normandy region was picked as a strategic location because of how close it is to the English coast. The U.S. even had a ghost army made up of balloon tanks and actors from Hollywood used to throw off German Ariel spying led by General Patton. The invasion started by the American 101st airborne parachuting into occupied France in order to divert attention away from the beach head long enough for allied troops to get close enough for a successful landing. After the landing allied troops drove forward and liberated occupied France and Belgium. 

Fairbairn-Sykes dagger

Designed by William Ewart Fairbairn and Eric Anthony Sykes During WW2 for elite troops to use in the new style of fighting that was developed by Fairbairn called gutter fighting. The knife has a weighted handle and a stiletto type blade making it an effective stabbing implement.The blade of the knife is also wife enough and thick enough for slashing and cutting movements as well. A diamond shape can be noticed going down the length of the blade and is there so that the knife will not get stuck inside of the chest cavity when stabbed . 

 The blade length is 7 inches long making it the perfect length of reaching all the vital areas of the body. Fairbairn and Sykes discovered this while working to combat gang violence in shanghai before the war. Both William and Eric used gutter fighting and the dagger and were masters of hand to hand combat which got them the job of teaching special allied troops how to effectively kill enemy combatants.Their knowledge helped with the creation of modern day special forces and combat training programs. The skills they taught have been passed down through generations and continue to help today’s warriors survive and will continue to do so until the day of absolute peace

The first post

This blog will be used to write whatever I feel needs to be written about

I’m still trying to figure out this whole blog thing. Just stick with me while I figure it out. Before you know it I will be posting all kinds of neat and interesting things.

“Hesitation is the enemy. It allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to pass, the enemy to get the upper hand.” – Jocko willink-

My name is Logan Leonard

My name is Logan Leonard and this is my blog.

I have never had a blog before. Not real sure why people have them but I figured I’d give it a try. whats the worst that can happen?

This blog’s purpose

  • A way for me to write about whatever I want to
  • It counts as a fairly large grade for my English class

On this blog I’m not sure what I will be talking about at all. I enjoy talking about old time street gangs from the late 1800’s to the 1920’s. Also strange and obscure forms of weaponry such as knuckles, knives, antique firearms, fighting rings, all kinds of weird things used of defense and what not.

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