
In this blog i will talk about certain types of weapons and old violent street gangs that were known for their brutality. Some of the things i will talk about might be seen as offensive. This blog post is my apology in advance. I will try to keep what i write about as civil as possible but some thing will be inherently gruesome. There are some tools i will be taking about that will have a disturbing use and serve a very violent purpose. My reasoning behind writing about these thing is mainly for the historical aspect of them. It is to show that as time has progressed and technology has gotten more advanced, that people have found more humane ways to take life. I say this awful truth because no matter what there will always be those who seek to do harm. By knowing what was used in the past and in the present day you can adequately prepare. That way if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are being threatened you will have some of the knowledge needed to defend yourself. Being knowledgeable of what to defend against you have a good start in the never ending path of self protection. 

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