Audie murphy

The most decorated soldier in United States military history. Served in WW2 and earning the medal of honor at the age of 19 for single handedly holding off a german company and whilst being wounded and then rejoining his men and leading them in an attack on the germans. For his actions in the fight against the enemy in WW2 murphy was awarded every U.S. military combat medal. After the war murphy split up his time between the Texas army national guard and being an actor at MGM studios. While working for the Texas army national guard his primary job was to train recruits for combat in Korea. As an actor for MGM murphy was the star of a few movies, his first one being ‘Bad boy’ in 1949. All In all Audie murphy led a heroic and interesting but troubled life. Because of his experiences during the war murphy struggled with post traumatic stress disorder and pushed the government to help korean and vietnam war veterans upon their return to the states. In 1971 murphy lost his life in a plane crash in catawba virginia. Audie murphy was buried in Arlington cemetery with full military honors and his grave site can still be seen there today. Five months after his death a hospital was named in is honor because of his drive to help soldiers fighting with PTSD.    

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